Accomodation & pricelist

Accomodation in Horní Maršov

Pension Pod Třešňovkou offers accommodation in 2,3,4 and 5 bed rooms with private bathroom and TV.

A playroom for children is available for guests of the guest house.

There is also a heated ski room and a closed bicycle storage area.

In the summer months you can use the outdoor seating with barbecue.

The capacity of the Pension Pod Třešňovkou is 26 beds.

Internet access

We quarantee free internet access on the premises.

Parking on the premises

Free parking for the accomodated visitors only. 

Lodging information

Check - in:     3:00 pm  -  6:00 pm

Check - out:   8:00 am  - 10:00 am

Recreation fee (not included in the accomodation price)

adults:                   20,- CZK/night

Reservation fee

Upon confirmation of the reservation, a deposit of 50% of the price will be charged.


Cancellation of the reservation within 14 days prior to arrival: the full deposit will be refunded.
Cancellation less than 14 days prior to arrival: 100% of the deposit paid.

Additional information:

Pets not allowed !!! 

Payment only in cash in CZK or EUR

We have carpets throughout the house, please take home shoes.

Price per person per night in CZK


od do    Adult person    Kids 0-2,99 years       Kids 3-10 years    
January December 500,- CZK 500,- CZK 500,- CZK



Accommodation is possible for a minimum of 2 nights.


(pricelist valid from 01.09.2024 00:00)